Where Do I Start?

Man’s drive for more is a masculine trait.
Yet just accomplishing “more,” can leave us discontent.
Often, this is God’s reminder that our true contentment is found only in him.
By knowing our Creator, we start knowing who we’re created to be.
For most of us, our greatest challenge is accepting the great responsibility to be the man were created to be.
The good news is, we’re not meant to do it alone.

Am I Made for More?

We are made to know Jesus.
Jesus knows what it’s like to be a man, yet he never sinned.
Though he was God, humbling himself, he came to earth to live as a man.
But our sin separates us from him.
So Jesus died on the cross for our sins.
His death and resurrection eliminated our separation from him.
When we humbly receive God’s grace and forgiveness, he makes us new. Then he makes us more like him.
If you're ready to receive Jesus as your Savior, 
And be the man God created you to be; 
Pray these words out loud:

“Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God.

Thank you for dying on the cross for me. And coming to life again.

I need you.

Please forgive my sins. I accept your grace.

Right now, I ask you to be the Lord, the Boss and the Savior of my life.

Please make me the man you created me to be. I want more. I want you.

I will serve you and stand with you for the rest of my life. Amen.

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If you have questions about knowing your Creator, becoming the man you’re created to be or discovering purpose, just click below to connect. We're here for you right now. It's free.