Putting The Purr in Purpose
Action with a steady Purr brings Purpose to fruition. It’s like the Purr of a diesel engine - readiness to do the work.
To me, nothing sounds as good as a diesel engine. Even when just idling - the sound alone is a steady reminder of its capability and readiness to handle whatever task it was handed. Its potential was a given.
I used to hate the word “Potential” when I was growing up. I never saw it as a compliment. And while we're at it, I didn't like the word responsibility either. It scared me.
But I've now learned recently - that Respons-ibility is really just having the ability to respond when called upon.
Readiness - Readiness when called upon by God, or man...to do the WORK.
Hearing from God - then Doing It
Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
Delighting in the Lord is responding to God's heart for you.
We often ask or at least want God to speak. But when he does, we more than often don't want to take the response-ability to follow through. We procrastinate. We prefer to debate or ignore these words of truth, faith and vision because we’re just plain scared what that might look like if we follow through and then fail.
We put it off - to protect our ego. Which unfortunately, we will typically defend at all costs.
What are you Procrastinating?…
What are you doing (or not doing) that's keeping you from having the Ability to Respond?
What are you doing that’s keeping you stuck from delighting in the Lord?
You know - those "Actions" that keep you from living INTO the desire of Gods heart - that the he put there.
Procrastination causes fear.
Fear causes procrastination.
But Faith + Trust causes Action
What action has God in-trusted you with - given you, because he trusts you with it?
God trusts you. Do you trust Him?
Sometimes we take “Actions” to Postpone ACTION:
ACTIONS like; porn, exercise, weed, drinking, eating, work, to name a few.
These ActionS Postpone real Action.
We're probably all guilty of most or all of these forms of procrastination at some point. Or now?
Procrastination causes fear.
Fear causes procrastination.
But Faith + Trust is what Action looks like.
Action big or small - in the same direction - causes purpose to become a reality.
BTW: So don't let perfection get in your way of taking the first steps.
Perfect usually never comes. Instead - remember;
Slow is smooth.
Smooth is fast.
But - Faith without action is just an idea.
What Action (real action) are you postponing by taking other actions?
What action can you do today?
What small step can you take today to create momentum to be the man you’re created to be, today?
Stop for a moment...
What action step, just one, can you decide to take today?
Pause. Take a deep breath. Ask God to share that with you, right now. Listen.
For many of you. God just spoke.
Now do it.
Here's a visual for you:
We’ve all seen Dominoes lined up. All laid out. What happens when you tip the first one? They all fall down.
= What’s really beautiful is that that first domino could be quite small.
As they continue to fall, if the dominoes get larger as they go (and in life they will), even those larger dominoes will fall just as easily - one after the other - because of the built momentum.
What one small step can you take today to create Momentum?
For some, it may mean sending that application for that job you want.
For some it might mean, just starting that email by putting the subject in the subject line. And being committed to write at least the first sentence of that email the next morning. And by the end of the day, hitting send.
For some it might mean cleaning off your cluttered desk.
For some it might mean cleaning and then vacuuming your car or truck.
For some it might mean, making your bed up every morning, starting tomorrow, first thing.
For some it might mean, having that clean-up conversation with someone you wronged.
For some it might mean, putting your running shoes on in the afternoon, signaling that you will be honoring your commitment to go jogging later that afternoon.
For some, it might mean, changing the strings on your guitar.
For some, changing the bearings in that old skateboard to get yourself outside again.
For some It’s wiping the dust off your Bible and opening it up and folding a pencil inside, setting it on your cleared desk in preparation for tomorrow mornings reading of the scripture.
For some it might just mean learning to slow down - to listen when you pray, instead of only presenting your laundry list of needs.
Personally, I hear and see better with my eyes closed.
Rom.10:17 says
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing, by the word of God.
Heb 11:1 says
Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.
We like to think - “Seeing is Believing.”
But when it comes to taking action (putting your faith to action)
“Believing is eventual seeing”
AND according to scripture - faith comes by hearing the word of God.
The writing is on the wall:
Faith comes from hearing the word of God.
Faith in action is the evidence of what we can't see - yet!
“Pray for potatoes and grab a hoe” - my dad used to say.
Most men know, whether they want to admit it, ARE made for MORE!
To put that diesel engine PURR to your Purpose…
Commit to take one Action TODAY.
What is that one practical faith-action you WILL take today that will be the evidence of your commitment to see even better tomorrow?
Email us today at Dudes@StandUpDude .com and tell us what your going to do.
Get accountable.
THEN stay ready - by being the man you're created to be today.